Godly Play at Home in Advent
In many churches the four weeks of Advent are a time to get ready for Christmas. The Godly Play lesson for the season of Advent (in Volume 3 of The Complete Guide to Godly Play) is in four parts, remembering the Prophets, the Holy Family, the Shepherds and the Magi as we move with them towards Bethlehem.
Families might like to tell these stories together at home, and there are some ideas of how to do this in Jerome Berryman’s book, Stories of God at Home: a Godly Play Approach (published 2018; 978-0898690491). You might want to display the plaques beside a home-made Advent wreath, or look up the stories in a children’s Bible.
St Michael’s Workshop, Bowthorpe sell beautiful materials for the Advent stories, in a miniature size to use at home. They have kindly provided drawings for the Advent plaques which you can download from the link below if you would like to make your own, or share with the families you work with.