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Associate Membership of Godly Play UK

Godly Play Associates commit to giving a monthly donation to enable the ministry and work of Godly Play UK to flourish and grow.

This allows us to:

  • offer bursaries to churches and individuals who otherwise would not be able to access training
  • develop new enrichment events for Godly Play practitioners
  • publish the biannual Godly Play UK magazine featuring in-depth articles reflecting more deeply on Godly Play and children’s spirituality, news from the Godly Play community, book reviews, training opportunities and more.

With your help, we can sow more seeds, support more practitioners, and grow a rich harvest of spiritually nurtured children and adults.

We’d love you to join us as an Associate, sowing seeds and growing faith.  Please download, print and send us the direct debit form below.

“Godly Play training has opened my eyes to a new way of untangling the human and holy story and I can’t wait to use my new skills.”

— A recent course participant

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