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Trainers, Advocates and International Associations

Godly Play Advocates

You can get help and support from our Godly Play Advocates.

Click here to find advocates in your area →

Godly Play Network Groups

Godly Play network groups support practitioners so that they develop their practice in community with others.

Click here for Network Groups in your area →

Borrowing Godly Play materials

You may be able to borrow Godly Play materials (stories) from others in your area

Click here for Godly Play lending→

Our Administrator

  • Sheila Rogers

    Sheila Rogers

    Sheila Rogers is the Administrator for Godly Play UK and is the main contact for courses, bookings and general enquiries. She may be the first person from Godly Play UK that you encounter, and you will be in very good hands. Contact her at admin@godlyplay.uk

    Trained as a teacher of Religious Studies, and also in working with children with learning, emotional and behaviour difficulties, Sheila began working for Godly Play UK in 2007.  She lives in Rugby with her husband, Rob, and two mad kittens, Pickle and Lilli.

Meet Our Trainers

  • Alison Summerskill

    Alison Summerskill

    For the first half of her working life, Alison was a children’s nurse and health visitor, during which time she trained as a Reader for Children’s Ministry. From 2002-2018 she was children and families’ pastor and Reader at St Andrew’s,...

  • Andrea Harrison

    Andrea Harrison

    Until recently Andrea was employed by the Salvation Army as a Godly Play Enabler. She enjoyed traveling the UK and many other countries to support and encourage people working with children and adults in disparate contexts.

    She regularly uses Godly...

  • Brenton Prigge

    Brenton Prigge

    Brenton is Methodist Minister who was born in South Africa, spent 11 years in Australia, and moved to the United Kingdom in March 2020. Brenton has a passion for intergenerational ministry, with a particular focus on helping congregations to include...

  • Cass Meurig

    Cass Meurig

    Cass Meurig lives in Bala in North Wales and is a curate in the Church in Wales and musician. She teaches and trains people in Godly Play through the medium of Welsh as well as English and recently published her...

  • Diana Williams

    Diana Williams

    Diana is based in Abergavenny in South Wales. She is a physiotherapist by profession but since having children has been working in her local primary school and nursery. She is now changing track again back into rehabilitation! Diana’s Sunday school...

  • Eona Bell

    Eona Bell

    I’ve been using Godly Play with children, teenagers and adults for over ten years, and value the space it allows for listening and exploration. I am based in Cambridge where I am the Children and Families Minister in a local...

  • Jeanny Wang

    Jeanny Wang

    I trained as a theatre designer. In 2014 I felt surprisingly ‘found’ by Godly Play and it has continually captivated me ever since. I have worked as a Godly Play children’s chaplain, in a London primary school for seven years,...
  • Judy Yeomans

    Judy Yeomans

    Playing with my children and being their mum has been the ‘biggest gift’ I could have received. Over the last twelve years this gift has revealed more and more of the life God invites me to participate in. My early...

  • Mine Yildirim

    Mine Yildirim

    I love sitting in children’s circles and wondering together. I value the opportunities for reflection and making meaning integral to Godly Play. I have found the circle to be a wonderful place for my own formation. I have practiced Godly...

  • Natalie Jones

    Natalie Jones

    Natalie worked in Brussels as a Children and Youth Worker before moving to England to begin training for ordination in the Church of England. Her love of Godly Play began in university and was sustained after training as a storyteller...

  • Peter Privett

    Peter Privett

    I trained as a teacher in the halcyon days of the late 1960s working in schools in Birmingham and the Industrial Midlands where creativity and child-centered education ruled the day.  

    I was ordained in 1978 as an...

  • Richard Knott

    Richard Knott

    I first encountered Godly Play while working as a Divisional Children’s Officer with The Salvation Army and I admit that I was unconvinced about it, even after attending the 3-day training in May 2012. It wasn’t until I shared a...

  • Sue North-Coombes

    Sue North-Coombes

    Sue has been a FE lecturer, primary school teacher and youth and children’s worker. She set up the Godly Play room behind Christ Church, Ottershaw in the Diocese of Guildford and worked for a twelve years developing its use in...

  • Susie Steel

    Susie Steel

    Susie is a supply teacher with many years teaching experience, with a particular love for the early years. She is on the local SACRE and has a lot of experience of introducing teachers and schools to Godly Play. In the...

Godly Play in other countries

Godly Play is used all over the world!

The Godly Play International Council supports storytellers in every continent and an International Covenant of Agreement supports this through an International Council. The Council also has an International Development Fund that is available to support the introduction and development of Godly Play in less affluent communities.

The Covenant seeks to address the principles, practices, and protocols that are at the heart of Godly Play, and which are generally shared wherever Godly Play is present. Under each category the covenant suggests both minimum requirements and best practices that the International Council believes will ensure that Godly Play is carried out with integrity wherever it is practised.

The Council recognises that context is important and that contextualisation does take place within the practice of Godly Play. The agreement tends to focus on those areas which we all hold in common.

The international council is supported by Andrew Sheldon, the Godly Play Advocate for International Development, a position funded by the Godly Play Foundation. Andrew can be reached at andrew@godlyplay.ca. The current Chair of the GPIC is Jenny Sjögreen of Godly Play Sweden and she can be reached at jennysjogreen@gmail.com.

This link takes you to information about Godly Play right across the world, with contact details where these are available.

Godly Play books are available in Spanish (Guía completa de Godly Play, Voluménes 1-4); and in German. Welsh translations will soon be available.

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